Cover story ST Robot Investments – How Robot Investment should be done?
In addition to minimize wastage and reduction in labor costs in robot investment feasibility studies also production quality, timely delivery, customer continuity and growth in the market with newly acquired customers should be taken into consideration.
The pioneer and leader of industrial robots in Turkey, ALTINAY Robotic Technologies aims to export $ 45 million in 2014 with a radical increase compared to the previous year. Founder and General Manager of the company Mr. Hakan Altinay evaluated the company’s goals for the next term and what needs to done in the field of innovation. Read More
Mr. Toktas said factory production lines due to end of line applications may hold heavy loads creates unfavorable conditions for worker health and safety. He said “We also eliminating vulnerabilities resulting from these points by providing robotic solutions.” Read More
KOSGEB’s (Small & Medium Enterprises Development Association) SME and Young Entrepreneurship awards designed to support and encourage entrepreneurs and SME’s were handed out at a ceremony held on November 20th 2012 in Ankara.Read More
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